World 67

Public nudity in Australia in World 67 has been decriminalised, leading to social acceptance of going “de-clothed” in everyday life. Due to critical levels of depletion of natural resources from over consumption of clothing, the Australian government was forced to enact a clothing tax in the 1980s. The substantial increase to the cost of clothing sparked changes in public attitudes towards nudity. Prolific protests regarding people’s right to be naked in public eventually led to changes in law. In this nude world, clothing has become disconnected from the everyday, now only worn for special occasions or if the situation necessitates clothing (eg. PPE).

What if …

public nudity in Australia was decriminalised, leading to social acceptance of going “de-clothed” in everyday life?

Issue targeted:

critical levels of depletion of natural resources from the overconsumption of clothing


the normalisation of nudity

This World was contributed by Evie Rosa (located in Australia) using a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International licence which allows others to share and adapt the work in any medium and for any purpose, providing that they credit the author and share their material using the same Creative Commons licence.

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Published by Amy Twigger Holroyd

explorer of Fashion Fictions

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